About Joyful Star

Mission and Purpose

Serve God our Divine Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ

Assist in Creation of Heaven on EARTH and creating a beautiful world of Love, Peace, Joy, Balance, Justice, Unity, Health, Wealth and Abundance for ALL!!!

Heaven on Earth – My Goal, My Story…

I was a "normal" divorced 49 year old single mom working part-time at Walmart while  trying to get my daughter thru High School.  I had been raised Southern Republican Christian, in an abusive Christian home. One of millions of children's in this world shamed for not being good enough, always told to be perfect even as our brother Jesus was perfect, and not honoring my mother and father, reading scriptures and praying every day, master-baiting and lying and other unforgivable sins.

I didn't hate Christ but in my 20's I shed the deep programming of my Christian beliefs, including the guilt and shame of never being worthy or good enough. I saught many different spiritual information, paths and truths in the next 30 years. Finding many truths and getting a vision that in my 50's as my daughter turned 18 I would find my path. So I went on my way stumbling through my life, trying to do my best.

Then on Jan. 9th 2021 my life dramatically transformed. At 4 o'clock in the morning I walked out of the bathroom. If you understand older bladders you understand.

SUDDENLY I was GLOWING!! All I could see was light coming from my body.

I looked down at my hands - as I lifted them up look at them and light was shining a foot and a half from my hands.

For about 20 minutes I was only aware of myself as an ETERNAL LIGHT BEING in a body. My body was glowing so bright I couldn't really look directly at the core of my being. I looked over at the mirror to see what I looked like and the wall was blocks of glowing light!!!

When I came back into myself, I could hear one of my guides and began meditating every day. After a few days I was meditating hours and hours a day talking to my guide. Learning to explore the universe in my mind.

I wanted to know what I was, the meaning and purpose of my life. Eventually I found a God that is like GRAVITY. Based on laws and rules that can be defined and explained mathematically. A GOD who claimed Christ was his son. Explaining that Christ was like a College Graduate where most of us are more like kindergartners.

Just as an adoring parent loves all their children equally. He thinks we are so cute and loves each one of us as much as he loved Christ. He was sooo proud of Christ and what he accomplished. But had really really bad news for me.

REALLY BAD NEW FROM QUANTUM SOURCE GOD - the I AM that created all.....
#1 God is not an old man with a Beard...

#2 - After 2000 years the BIBLE is mostly misleading misinformation and they put it in Historical Fictional Comedy in the library in Heaven. I mean they made Christ beloved wife a whore, and over the last 2000 years took out/rewrote most of the core concepts his teachings were based on. Revelations is nothing but mass programming to get Christians to go to war and destroy the world. Has nothing to do with Christ or the truth of the 2nd coming.
and I was like WTF???

And God laughs like a loon when ever I read the damn thing.

"Oh Yeah that's not what happened." and then he shows me something that is truth.

I've seen why Mary had to be a virgin --- BTW Christians God wants to know what your weird obsession and fixation is with Virgins????

You only need a Virgin if you are a 12th dimensional master of light reincarnating himself with genetic information that is ENERGETIC. If you are doing it the old fashion way with sperm and a dick you don't need a virgin. Get over your obsessive bull shit about being a virgin. It is stupid and unnecessary --- UNLESS you are a 12th dimensional master of light reincarnating himself. Silly children don't seem to understand it is all the laws of energy and equations. You need a blank wall to write on. Simple to god.

Also God wanting to know if there are any girls willing to be gods blank wall?? Savior needs a new body to reincarnate into. Any body wondering why it is taking so long??? No virgins that are a high enough vibration who have been taught how.... maybe there will be classes coming along soon. But God is going to be looking..... stay tuned!!

BTW - the worst sinners on the planet are those that CIRCUMCISE or as god says SEXUALLY MUTILATE their children. This was false doctoring taught by the Lord of Dark and Christ tried to stop it but the Children who SEXUALLY MUTILATE in the name of god are serving the God of DARK.

WHY??? All Science and math - you destroy the male sex organs locking him in his root consciousness. Taking away his natural ability to move into the heart and head and keeping him locked into SURVIVAL - Fight or Flight, Fucking and completely unbalancing them and ruining the sex life.

FYI according to God - If you alter the consciousness of men for generations and you alter the course of an entire planet. ALL MUTILATED dicks are stuck on virgins because they have had what women really want - the girth - REMOVED - so because they have ruined the men the men ruin and abuse the women. Like cut it off INSTEAD - you would be doing your son a better service than mutilating them!!!


Anyway God explained Jesus to me mathematically, scientifically, spiritually and showed me several very beautiful part of Christs life and has led me to several other books that do have more of his truths.

5 Truths of Jesus Christ
1. He created himself inside of a virgin.

2. He was an awake aware Master of Light who knew all the laws of the universe and could teach them to children with crayons. For he knew we were all beloved children of the divine.

3. He did die as we all must. But he RELEASED His body. AND he wants all the Christians to TAKE HIM OFF THE CROSS!!! That was like less than 8 hours of his life and he would like to move on to the work. That was just his APPLICATION for a job. It was his FINAL EXAM. His DOCTORAL THESIS and Proof to ALL in Heaven that he knew all the Laws of God and would honor and follow the Law of LOVE. Get over it and lets get to WORK PLEASE!!!
----- He says its like your 8th grade picture with your hair sticking up and a bugger hanging out of your nose and being immortalized as that. He was so much more!!!

4. He taught the Law of Love and if we all ascend and follow the Law of the Vibration of Love we will all ascend into the light. We will all be saved.

5. His mission, his life, his work boil down to one message -
We are the children of God
We are to love him - ourselves as an expression of him, the world as an expression of him, all is an expression of him and we are the most divine of his creations as we are each a child of god. A small slice of God Consciousness - Source - Heaven sent to earth to learn and grow. Two-cups of God Source Consciousness manifested into Flesh.

Love each other as the children of God
and as in Heaven so on EARTH -

This was his mission. I work every day to help fulfill and create a world he can return to and rule with Grace, Peace, Love, Abundance and Pride in all we have accomplished in his name.

PS - According to God and Jesus - what he did was mathematical and can not be undone and applied to all born on this planet for all of time. Scientifically and Mathematically and Legally Jesus fulfilled in the flesh certain requirements that allows him to balance all the Karmic equations on earth. Karmic equations is the totality of the concept of "sin" - mathematically balancing all the right and wrong done by every person who every lived on the planet. And the Christians think the hard part was hanging on the cross for a few hours. LOL Anyway the point is ------ NO ONE EVER HAS TO HEAR CHRIST NAME to be "saved."

It helps if they learn and live the Law of Love to balance the equations but seriously if we would all just learn and live the law of Love no one would have to talk about God or Jesus.

Personal Goal and Dream and the reason for this website - Creating Heaven on Earth

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Do you know how they make Heaven?
Everyday everyone wakes up and their job is "MORE"
Everyone makes more Love, More JOY, MORE Abundance and then every day everyone has more to share with everyone else and every day every one has more Heaven.

On this planet we have a weird system where the top 20% have 85% of the wealth and most of us live in suffering and lack while creating enormous wealth for a small few. God doesn't understand why we do this. But it is our choice how we create our Monopoly Games. God doesn't care if you pick a desert, ocean, flat lands, grasslands or swamp lands. There is no system that thrives when 20% or less keep 85% of the water, land, air, sun, and everything else needed to survive and thrive.

If there is something here you like or love - please share.
If you don't like our content - Please know we love you. You are perfect! and God Loves you!! Please go live your most beautiful life in Love and Joy and be blessed!!! That is my wish for every soul on this planet.

Book to unite Science Math and Spirituality — not Religion as all Religion is man made not god made.

Prove God and Jesus Christ Vibrationally, Scientifically and Mathematically.

Explain the universe – the purpose and how it was created and works

Explain God – the Quantum Heaven and the Quantum Gods that create this Universe – where we all came from and where every one will return

Define religious terms like Sin and explain how god understands and deals with the entire creation of the universe and what is “Right” and “Wrong” to the quantum god.

Explain how there is no HELL in QUANTUM HEAVEN and why we should eat every bite in JOY because there is no physical food in heaven. (Hint vibrationally Heaven is a Quantum Energy realm that vibrates at a frequency too fast for the vibration of physical. Also all physical manifestations require time as part of the equation and time in the quantum is different than liner time you use when you create in the physical.

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