Support creating Heaven on Earth!!

Free ways to Help create Heaven on Earth!

Free ways to Help create Heaven on Earth!

Share our YouTube Videos!!

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Join our Facebooks – share our posts!!

Choose to create and live your most beautiful life of Love and Abundance!!!

If you need help and guidance – join our Free Magical Manifesting Meditations, Facebook and classes.

Support us with a One Time donation of any Amount!!

$10 Monthly Love Donation

Recurring donation to keep supporting our messages every month and allowing us to help and share our messages with more people every month!!

If our messages bless your life — support our efforts to grow and tell everyone the truth!! —

Together we can create

Heaven on EARTH!!

$25 Monthly Love

Recurring donation to keep supporting our messages every month and allowing us to help and share our messages with more people every month!!

If our messages bless your life — support our efforts to grow and tell everyone the truth!! —

Together we can create

Heaven on EARTH!!

$50 Monthly Love

Recurring donation to keep supporting our messages every month and allowing us to help and share our messages with more people every month!!

If our messages bless your life — support our efforts to grow and tell everyone the truth!! —

Books to publish!!

Videos to create!!

Support the many ways we can create and share this most important message:

If you love Jesus and he is your lord and savior – Help us fulfill Jesus’s true mission – Creating Heaven on EARTH!!

Together we can create

Heaven on EARTH!!

$100 Monthly Love

Recurring donation to keep supporting our messages every month and allowing us to help and share our messages with more people every month!!

Books to publish!!

Videos to create!!

Support the many ways we can create and share this most important message:

If you love Jesus and he is your lord and savior – Help us fulfill Jesus’s true mission – Creating Heaven on EARTH!!

If our messages bless your life — support our efforts to grow and tell everyone the truth!! —

Together we can create

Heaven on EARTH!!

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