Jesus with Joy

Jesus with Joy

Jesus was a 12th dimensional God consciousness manifested in the flesh.

He was our Divine Brother who did an act that saves every soul ever born on the planet.

Come learn more about the truths Jesus actually taught.

And Help Create Heaven On Earth!


Heaven on Earth

His Goal was to create Heaven on Earth.

He Taught that the Highest Law is LOVE

If we all ascend to the vibrational level of love we can transform this world to a world of Peace, Love, Joy and Abundance for ALL Children of the Gods…..

And Help Create Heaven On Earth

2000 Years later – Few understand Christ’s Purpose and Meaning

Two thousand years after our Beloved Brother walked this Earth most of us don’t understand what he taught and the purpose and meaning of his life.

His main message was that we are all Children of God. Earth is a school and we are here to learn and grow.

Love is the LAW
All are saved thru him
Creating Heaven here on Earth is the GOAL

Please join me Sunday Mornings to hear messages from this Divine Master of Light

  1. Love is first Law of Heaven
  2. Love God –
    • and yourself as his Divine creation
  3. Love your brothers and sisters
    • as his Divine creations

Understand that humans are only 8 Billion ways for God to experience and express “himself” – none better or worse than the others in creation only in how they express him.

As Love or as Judgement, Persecution and Hate.

Your brother came to teach LOVE is the law
and yet you use his name to beat each other,
judge each other, kill each other,
and use his name to make
one person better than another.

None of that is love.
None of that is God our Father in Heaven who created us.
Creator God - the I AM that I AM --- 
is NOT an old man with a beard.
He is a God of Law and Order.

Come to learn about a God not made in the Image of man...
but Understood with the Laws of the Universe whose laws of math and science work like gravity -

---- every time for every one!!!

Where Sin has an actual definition!!!

So you know when lying is wrong and when it is the most important thing God wants you to do that day.

Help us Create Heaven On Earth:

Every dollar from our generous supporters goes to help share and spread our messages!!

HELP US – Create Heaven on Earth

Christ Sheep

If you want to find more about creating Heaven on Earth – and you find peace, love and hope in our messages.

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