Terrific Trans

Welcome to Earth – Sorry it sucks so bad!!

You are part of the Clean Up – Wake Up Crew!!

If you don’t like it here – Suck it up and Help Clean it UP!!

God loves all his children – was the primary message of Christ.

If you are a Trans you are one of the most important lives to the Gods.

You are so very special and important to Christ’s mission on this planet at this time.

Whether you are new to Earth.. or been here a New York Minute….

Welcome to Terrific Trans

Where we learn and celebrate with God and Christ all that it means to be a Trans on Planet Earth in 2024!!!

Welcome from Christ the original Warrior of Light and Love – wearing a dress and sandals!!

PS. That light over his manger, was between the earth and moon, and traveled with him to Egypt – visible for over a year – according to this god that explains the universe in math it was a ship from Christs home planet that protected him as a child.

Welcome to Earth – sorry it sucks so bad right now!!!

Why there is so much persecution??

Because your existence is a threat to the lies they have built their society on

Skin color

10 ways to Turn Christian Persecution against them.

God would like us to remind you very diligent children and followers of Christ a few things:

He Gave you an Ass hole 
But you do not have his permission to be one to me - 
No No on being Meanie Weinies
Only Team Dark Persecutes
Christ never Taught Persecution
You do know Christ wore a dress and sandals -- Mine match better than his. 
Christ said turn the other cheek --- Which one do you want to kiss first?
Christ had 2 rules: Love and Love  Hate is taught by the other guy... Who do you represent again?

Christ taught to love your enemies

etc etc etc


Scientifically and Mathematically What Trans Are…

And how are they different than “normal people.”

Equations and laws

Not only did the Quantum Gods turn up the Equations to create more “trans” the funny guy added into the formula to have the occurrences be increasingly in Christian Identifying households.

Why Trans are Gods Chosen

More advance than those around them.

Enlightened beings from the universe.

Here to save the “Christian” idiots on this planet.


time to say fuck you

you don’t need to know if you can have sex with me

call ourselves Alternatives and they can go fck themselves

What to do now???

Time to take your power back!!!

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